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November 3, 2020
Today we’re joined by award-winning music artist and community influencer, Jordan #ChillCity Moore. Not only does Jordan work with local entrepreneurs and nonprofits to help them brand their businesses, but he’s passionate about being involved in community outreach. In this episode, the young influencer from Huntsville shares how he’s making a difference in the community.
October 20, 2020
If you’ve been watching the news lately, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about the latest court appointment to the US Supreme Court. But what the media isn’t covering is the role of the Supreme Court in our government. In this episode, we’ll be speaking with attorneys Alycia Kinchloe and Ryan Locke. I invited my good friends on the show to talk about what types of cases the court hears — and how a judge gets appointed to the highest court in the land.
October 5, 2020
David Faulk is a young man who is already leaving his mark on our community. As a teenage entrepreneur, David and his brother Lamir Whitlow are bonding in business. The siblings founded The Bro Shop 256 in Madison, Alabama earlier this year. I’m super excited to have David on the podcast today. In this episode, we’ll get to know David and Lamir’s story better. We’ll talk about what they’ve learned running a business during COVID-19 — and where they’re headed in the future.
September 8, 2020
If you tune into the Mo Show regularly, you already know how proud I am to live here in North Alabama. Not only is our community thriving, but we’ve also been blessed to have a booming economy. Tons of great companies are looking to build jobs and facilities here in Huntsville. Today I’m talking again with Toni Eberhart. She represents the corporate communications team with Mazda Toyota, and will be chatting with us about the scope of the project.
August 25, 2020
Sports play a huge role in our culture. If you know me, you’ve already learned that I’m a big believer in playing sports during your school years — or if you’re not a sport person, participating in extracurricular activities. Why? Because of the life lessons it teaches us. And even if you’re not a big sports fan, you’ll want to tune into this episode. In this episode of Mo Show Live, we’re speaking with Coach Wade Waldrop. The head coach of the James Clemens Jets football team joined us to discuss his coaching philosophy and share some of the life lessons learned through sports.
August 11, 2020
Did you know 85% of the country is served by volunteer fire departments? Volunteer firefighters are a group of first responders that sometimes get lost in the mix. In this episode of Mo Show Live, we’ll learn more about these brave men and women serving the community. That’s why I’m excited to talk to our guest today, Captain Blake Mathis.
July 8, 2020
Today’s topic is a tough one for many people but it’s not one we talk about often enough. In this episode of Mo Show Live, we’re diving into mental health awareness. Our guest is basketball player and mental health advocate, Trey Moses.
June 17, 2020
In this episode of Mo Show Live, we’re speaking with NBA G League All-Star Josh Magette. Josh played for the Lakeland Magic during the 2019 season, where he averaged 21 points and 10.6 assists per game. We’ll discuss Josh’s playing career, his drive to succeed, and more.
June 14, 2020
In this Mo Show Live, we are speaking with Jodie Minor. Jodie is a Minister, Dad, Coach and Community Leader. We’ll discuss the current national issues facing our country.
May 27, 2020
In this interview, we’re speaking with Chris and Kim Messervy. The husband and wife team are joining us to lend their voices to the fight against ALS. We’ll discuss what the condition is, how it’s triggered in the body, and the current treatments for ALS patients.
May 13, 2020
In this Mo Show Live, we are speaking with Frank Dix. Frank went from being an advocate for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to a cancer patient. We will discuss his cancer story, his upcoming book, and more.
May 6, 2020
In this episode, Mo is speaking with UAH Chargers Basketball Seniors David Anderson, Dalton Barkley, Aryn Sanders and Katie Speegle. We’ll chat about their playing careers in the basketball program at UAH, including how this season ended and what’s in store next.
May 2, 2020
In this Mo Show Live we are speaking with husband, dad, lawyer and podcaster Steven Lefkoff. We touched on his practice, why family is so important, his love for bbq & why you better burp your Kamado Joe grill. #TheMoShowLive #LawyersWithLivesPodcast #BurntArmHair
Jan 7, 2020
In this Mo Show Live we’re speaking with @Carter Hornets Men’s Basketball Coach Spencer Beaty. We’ll discuss the current state of high school hoops and Carter High School’s upcoming Coaches v. Cancer Suits and Sneakers game. #CoachesvCancer #TheMoShowLive #CarterHornets
Nov 5, 2019
In this Mo Show Live we’re speaking with Bill McDowell, Executive Director of Second Mile Development. We’ll discuss how Second Mile is building relationships and community through its 3 programs: Second Mile Preschool, Pride for Parents and Parent Initiative.
Aug 30, 2019
In this episode of Mo Show Live we feature Chanda Crutcher, the founder of the Legacy Center and American Senior Assistance Programs (ASAP). Morris and Chanda will be discussing the mission of the Legacy Center, what it does for the community and its various programs.
Jul 31, 2019
This episode of the Mo Show will feature Chris Newlin, Executive Director of the National Children’s Advocacy Center. Morris and Chris will be discussing why the NCAC was founded and its history, it’s local role as a resource for sexually and physically abused kids as well as kids who have experienced traumatic events.
Jul 31, 2019
This episode of The Mo Show Live will feature author, speaker, encourager, and character coach Taylor Edge. Morris and Taylor will be discussing how Taylor helps people work through issues they face in today’s world, live a positive life, and prepare mentally for the challenges of sports and life.
Jun 16, 2019
In this episode of the Mo Show Live we feature attorneys Carol Williams, Alycia Kinchloe & Allyson Kacmarski. Morris, Carol, Alycia & Allyson will be discussing the pros and cons of running your own law firm, including their various personal struggles and successes.
May 4, 2019
In this episode of the Mo Show Live we feature UAH basketball seniors Elijah Garrison and Tanner Finley. Morris, Elijah and Tanner will be discussing the lessons learned from playing sports, their experience playing NCAA Division II basketball, and their plans for the future.
Apr 18, 2019
In this episode of Mo Show Live we feature Attorney and NFL Agent Derek Simpson. Morris and Derek will be discussing what it’s like being an NFL agent, how being a trial lawyer helps him as an Agent, his career path, and the story of his client, Malcolm Butler, cornerback for the Tennessee Titans.
Mar 9, 2019
In this episode of the Mo Show Live we feature Alabama State Trooper Curtis Summerville. Morris and Trooper Summerville will be discussing distracted driving, the graduated driver’s license system, safe driving habits for teens, and more.
Feb 23, 2019
In this episode of the Mo Show Live we feature Jere Beasley, Founding Member of the Beasley Allen Law Firm. Morris and Mr. Beasley will be discussing Mr. Beasley political career, legal career, the practice of law, and why trial lawyers are still important to today’s consumer.
Feb 7, 2019
This episode of the Mo Show Live will feature Patrick Wynn, President of the Boys and Girls Club of North Alabama. Morris and Patrick will be discussing the mission of the Club, what our local Clubs have to offer, how people can support the Club, and Patrick’s journey and career.
Jan 31, 2019
This episode of The Mo Show Live January 30th at 3:00 PM Central Time and will feature Urban Engine Executive Director Toni Eberhart. Morris and Toni will be discussing Urban Engine’s formation, how it accelerates the growth of area businesses and startups, and Toni’s career.
Jan 13, 2019
This episode of the Mo Show Live will feature former long-term Huntsville City Councilman Mark Russell. Morris and Mark will be discussing his tenure on the City Council, his work as a referee in local sports, his heart attack and how that has changed his life.
Dec 22, 2018
In this episode of The Mo Show we will feature Brian Gossett, Jason Nash, and Chad Flatt, all former football players at Maryville College, along with Morris Lilienthal. Morris, Brian, Jason, and Chad will be will discussing the impact of athletics on a young person’s life, the life lessons learned through athletics, the current state of high school football, and more.
Dec 10, 2018
In this episode of the Mo Show Live we feature Glenn Detulleo, Head Coach of the Huntsville Havoc hockey team. Morris and Glenn will be discussing the rise of hockey in North Alabama, his coaching philosophy, the ups, and downs of coaching a professional sports franchise and Glenn’s story of how he came to Huntsville.
To watch this episode of the Mo Show Live with Glenn Detulleo, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Nov 2, 2018
My guest on the MoShowLive is Army Captain Jodie Minor. We’re discussing Jodie’s military career and the military as a career choice and more!
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Jodie Minor, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Oct 28, 2018
On this episode of The Mo Show Live we feature Michael Sedlacek, Captain of Community Relations of the City of Madison Fire & Rescue Department. Morris and Michael will be discussing residential fire safety, fire plans, smoke detectors, how to discuss fire safety with kids, and more.
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Captain Michael Sedlacek, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Oct 12, 2018
This episode will feature Johnnie Finch, attorney and author of the new book Black Lawyer Confidential – Keys to Success. Morris and Johnnie will be discussing his new book, Johnnie’s legal career, what inspired him to go to law school, and what he hopes readers will get out of the book.
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Johnnie Finch, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Sep 28, 2018
This episode of the Mo Show Live features Justin Ward, physical fitness trainer and former member of the UAH men’s basketball team. Morris and Justin will be discussing health, fitness, tips for staying motivated, various workout routines, nutrition and more. Justin is also Morris’s personal trainer.
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Justin Ward, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Sep 25, 2018
Before they traded shoulder pads for suits, Alabama attorneys Bernard Nomberg, Morris Lilienthal, Kermit Kendrick, Steve Ford, and Joel Caldwell spent their days on the gridiron. Join these five former collegiate football players for a discussion on lessons they learned from their playing days — and how these lessons are still applicable today.
Sep 14, 2018
Strengthening the community is a central focus of the Heart of the Valley YMCA. The YMCA is in 10,000 neighborhoods across the country and seeks to nurture the potential of every child and teen and improve the nation’s health and well-being. The YMCA believes that lasting, positive personal and social change comes through working together to invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors.
Daniel Kasambira joined the Heart of the Valley YMCA Association as Executive Director of the Hogan Family Branch YMCA in Madison, AL in January 2015. Prior to joining the Heart of the Valley YMCA, Daniel served as Director of Alabama A&M Student Health and Wellness Center in Huntsville, AL from 2010-2014. Previously, he was a Relationship Manager at the United Way of Central, AL from 2007-2010. He has also served as Executive Director of four YMCAs during his non-profit career. During his YMCA career, he has garnered resources in grants, annual and capital campaigns over $3.0 million dollars.
To watch this episode of the Mo Show Live with Daniel Kasambira, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Sep 14, 2018
This episode of the Mo Show Live features Huntsville’s own Rodney Smith, Jr. who founded Raising Men Lawn Care Service in 2015. Morris and Rodney discuss Raising Men, the importance of providing youth with positive and constructive volunteer outlets, and philanthropy in general.
To learn more about Raising Men Lawn Care Service, or to request assistance with your own lawn, check out their website at For kids interesting in volunteering, send in a picture holding a sign saying “I accept the 50 Yard Challenge” and the organization will send you a t-shirt and ear protection to get you started.
Sep 5, 2018
The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, August 29th at 3:00 PM central time and will feature Colleen Sheehey-Church, the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Morris and Colleen will be discussing the impact of drunk driving on communities and its residents, what MADD is doing to combat drunk driving, and what you can do to get involved with MADD and how to prevent your loved ones from drinking and driving.
MADD was founded in 1980 by Ms. Candace Lightner after her 13-year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Since then MADD has grown exponentially, with at least one MADD office in each state and an office in each Canadian province. Though MADD has had an impact on decreasing drunk driving, it is still a problem in this country and in the State of Alabama, in particular. On average, there are 279 drunk driving deaths per year in Alabama, and 27% of all traffic fatalities involve drunk driving. These numbers must improve and until there are no more victims of drunk driving, MADD will vigorously push for stricter and tougher DUI laws.
Ms. Colleen Sheehey-Church joined MADD in 2005 after the death of her 18-year old son in a drunk driving accident. Motivated to make a difference, Colleen worked tirelessly with the program and was named to the MADD National Board of Directors in 2010, and was eventually elected president in 2015. Colleen speaks at victim impact panels in high schools and volunteers with MADD Connecticut, where she is on the State Advisory Board for MADD. Colleen also frequently meets with lawmakers and legislators around the country to push for stricter laws and punishments for drunk driving, such as interlock installation for all drunk driving offenders.
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Colleen Sheehey-Chruch, the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Aug 28, 2018
This episode of the Mo Show Live features former professional football players Tony Dixon and Courtney Taylor. Morris, Tony and Courtney all share roots in rural Pickens County, Alabama. Tony Dixon played at the University of Alabama and later for the Dallas Cowboys. Courtney Taylor played at Auburn University and in the NFL for the Seattle Seahawks.
So what’s it like to move from small high school football to the biggest stages in the football world? Tune in to find out as Morris, Tony and Courtney will be discussing football in rural Pickens County and the transition to the big stage in Tuscaloosa, Auburn and the NFL.
Aug 17, 2018
This episode of the Mo Show Live will feature Geoffrey Middleton and Nate Klose of TedXVoyagerWay. Morris, Geoffrey, and Nate will be discussing the role of TedXVoyagerWay in our community, the recent events they have hosted, and the types of ideas promoted by TedXVoyagerWay.
TED is a national organization that organizes TED conferences and TED talks. TED is devoted to disseminating “Ideas Worth Spreading.” A TED talk is completed in 18 minutes or less. TED talk speakers have included Roger Ebert, Bill Gates, and Sheryl Sandberg, amongst many more well-known thought leaders. TED talks have gained widespread attention thanks to sharing on social media platforms and YouTube.
The TEDx initiative helps bring TED talks to local communities across the country and around the world. A local, self-directed TED talk is designated as TEDx. Over 5,000 TEDx events have been held around the world. TEDxVoyagerWay is a local organization devoted to bringing TED talk experiences to the Rocket City. TEDxVoyagerWay recently hosted an event centered on blockchain and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Earlier this year, the organization hosted Aleatoric: How Chance Leads to Achievement.
Geoffrey Middleton grew up in Huntsville, AL and is an alumnus of Grissom High School. He attended both the University of Alabama and Auburn University, where he studied English and Philosophy for his undergraduate education. After graduating, he attended Mississippi College School of Law where he received his Juris Doctorate. After graduating from Law School, Geoffrey went to Louisiana where he worked for a State Senator and co-founded a successful political consulting business, Left|Right Strategies, LLC. He returned to Huntsville in 2014 to start a solo law firm and ended up joining his firm with John Russell Munger, Jr. His practice is now focused on Real Estate Law, Estate Planning, Business Formations, Contracts, and other areas of transactional law.
Nate Klose is the Communications and Marketing Director for TEDxVoyagerWay. He is the Chief Marketing Officer of a mesh-network startup called UNISPARC and a consulting Creative Director at, as well as Creative Director over Urban Engine, North Alabama’s largest economic accelerator and entrepreneurial community in the region. He has been involved with TEDx events for years, having spoken at one and helped to create another. Nate is a guy who delivers ideas for a living and believes the TEDx model has often been a gift to those with ideas who lack, perhaps, a wider forum for their idea’s delivery. It’ his hope TEDxVoyagerWay becomes that ‘gift’ of a wider forum to our own community — for the marginalized oddballs of Huntsville, for the unheard, for the novel outsider — and gently pops the socio-cultural bubbles we unknowingly strengthen as we participate in this city, its regularities and expectations, its histories.
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Geoffrey Middleton and Nate Klose, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Aug 10, 2018
Morris and Tad will be discussing how AAJ promotes a fair and effective judicial system and seeks to keep America’s courtrooms open and accessible so that those who have been wronged can seek justice.
The American Association of Justice, formerly known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, assists attorneys through a nationwide network to effectively represent clients and obtain a just results. AAJ traces its roots to a meeting on August 16, 1946, in Portland, Oregon where nine attorneys met to found a national organization. AAJ is a trade association with affiliate trial lawyer associations in every U.S. state and territory and also across Canada.
AAJ Officer Tad Thomas is a Kentucky plaintiffs’ attorney with a focus on products liability, nursing home abuse, medical malpractice, and personal injury accidents. Before founding his private practice in 2011, Tad served in the Attorney General’s office and litigated cases against pharmaceutical conglomerates and helped recover millions for Kentucky. Tad is a nationally recognized trial attorney and is currently a lead attorney on products liability cases against Levaquin, Avelox, Cipro, and Just-for-Men beard coloring. Tad is a graduate of Georgetown College and the Salmon P. Chase College of Law. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court and has published articles in numerous journals.
To watch this episode of the Mow Show Live with Tad Thomas, the American Association for Justice Treasurer, tune in to Facebook Live or watch anytime at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question, email Morris at [email protected].
Aug 10, 2018
In this episode of the Mo Show Live, John Allen, C.E.O. of the Huntsville Committee of 100, joins Morris Lilienthal to discuss economic development for the Huntsville Metropolitan area, high-quality public schools, cooperative local governments, the Rock the Vote campaign, the Creative Cities Initiative and more.
John Allen was tapped to lead the Committee of 100 in 2017. He is a Huntsville native and has served as BizPac Board Chair, Governance Chair and Madison Task Force Chair for the Committee. John has previously served in leadership roles for the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, the Huntsville Botanical Garden, and the BIG Picture Advisory Council. He has also previously served as president of the Huntsville-Madison County Homebuilders Association.
The Committee of 100 consists of 240 CEOs and professionals with a common goal of focusing on long-term strategies that impact economic development. Current priorities include retail growth, downtown development, young professionals workforce plan, and regional cooperation. As over half of Huntsville’s tax base is supported by local sales tax, retail growth remains critically important. In order to build retail sales, the organization utilizes regional cooperation to bring in economic development projects. To ensure a highly skilled workforce for years to come, recruitment and retention of the young professional workforce is also a priority.
The Committee of 100 has seen great success in its 22 years of existence. The Committee previously formed the first Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Committee, which helped produce economic impact data and developed concepts for Generals’ homes. The Committee of 100 is also credited in assisting with Downtown Huntsville redevelopment. The Committee formed Big Spring Partners and later Downtown Huntsville, Inc., which actively promotes downtown events.